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Jesus Can Use a Humble Spirit

Angela Noakes

The Twelve told the rest of the disciples to find 7 men to look after the business side of things. They were to be men with a good reputation and filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who were chosen were just ordinary men, but they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and this infilling always lifts a man to a plane above the ordinary. He can baptize "with the Holy Spirit and fire" (Matthew 3:11). The multitude chose 7 men to serve tables. Undoubtedly, they were faithful in their appointed tasks, but we see that God soon had a better plan for two of them, Philip & Stephen. Philip was so full of the Holy Spirit that he could have revival wherever God put him down (Acts 8:5-8, 26-40). Man chose him to serve tables, but God chose him to win souls. Oh, if I could only stir you up to see that, as you are faithful in the humblest role, God can fill you with His Spirit, make you a chosen vessel for Himself, and promote you to a place of mighty ministry in the salvation of souls and in the healing of the sick. Nothing is impossible to a man filled with the Holy Spirit. The possibilities are beyond all human comprehension. When you are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, God will wonderfully work wherever you go.

Smith Wiglesworth

Jesus Jersey


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