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Inside Jesus Jerseys

We are always searching, yearning, but for what? I’ve come to the absolute realization that we are born in His image with an intrinsic, unquenchable desire to have a relationship with Him; our Creator. We were made by Him and for Him. He desires a relationship with us. The empty hole inside that we carry around like an albatross can never be truly filled until we have tapped into and become addicted to Him.


So, how do you point others to Christ? 


My Jesus jerseys were created with this very conundrum in mind. My Jesus jerseys inspire questions and dialogue. They pique interest and are true conversation starters. They offer hope to those that may not know of the restoration, joy, and fulfillment, that becoming addicted to Jesus can bring.


My Jesus Jersey inspirations comes from ‘light-bulb’ moments from day-to-day conversations with like-minded individuals, or a "Be Still" moment spent alone with my Jesus; but, more likely than not, an electrifying enlightenment from an anointed voice in the pulpit; such is His ‘Living Word’.


My sincere hope is that you gain the confidence to point others to Christ and that you walk in the understanding; “... Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world”, when you wear my Jesus Jerseys.

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